One of the biggest food trends you need to try
Kiwilimón - 2019-06-18T13:52:48.132848Z
Today, millions of photos exist on Instagram with the #AvocadoToast hashtag and let’s face it, this recipe appeals to/entices/tempts everyone because it’s indulgent and nutritious. Making avocado toast is quite simple; all you need are Avocados From Mexico, toast, and salt. The fascinating thing about this dish is that there is not just one way to make and enjoy it; everything depends on our creativity (or the ideas you find on Instagram). It is precisely on the 'gram where we see the craziest combinations of toppings for your avocado toast, from lobster, cheese, radish, Sriracha and strawberries to grasshoppers. Why is everyone still talking about avocado toast?The lasting popularity of this recipe is due not only to its simplicity and appealing appearance, but also because of how nutritious avocados are for us, with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. That is why the significant advantage of avocado toast is that, no matter how you decide to prepare it, you can be sure that avocados are a healthy addition to your diet. Avocados can act as a “nutrient booster” because they contain good fats, or unsaturated fats, and can help the body to better absorb fat-soluble nutrients from foods that are eaten with the fruit, such as vitamins A, D, K and E.Healthy avocados contain 8 g of fat for every 50 g portion, of which over 75% are good fats (avocados are virtually the only fruit with good fats). This is why including dishes with avocado in your diet, like avocado toast, can be a healthy, nutrient-dense choice.It is very likely that the number of #AvocadoToast posts on Instagram will continue to grow; it’s a dish that will stay in the hearts of foodies and nutritionists. Who could resist it? Get some Avocados From Mexico and make your versions of avocado toast. Who knows, maybe someday your invention will create a new trend.