How to prevent avocados from oxidizing

Por Kiwilimón - June 2019
Surely you have noticed that when cutting an avocado, it starts getting brown after a while. This does not mean that the avocado is rotten or that it is no longer good, it is merely a natural reaction of the compounds present in this food.

As you already know, Avocados From Mexico are a nutrient-dense food with nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Among all these components are phenols and enzymes, which acquire a brown color when exposed to oxygen.

To prevent the avocado from turning brown, you need to stop the oxidation process from occurring. But don’t worry, keeping an avocado from oxidizing is much easier than it seems. Follow these tips to keep your avocado perfectly fresh for longer. 

Lemon juice is a potent antioxidant,so adding a few drops to your avocado dish can help slow down the oxidation process. Adding the lemon juice just after cutting the avocado can preserve its natural color for a prolonged time.

Plastic Wrap

One fairly simple option that will keep both sliced avocados and avocado dishes in good condition is plastic wrap. All you have to do is gently cover the surface with plastic wrap. Make sure there are no air bubbles left that could turn some parts brown.


If you’re baking or roasting avocados, there is another way to prevent them from turning brown. Immediately after cutting the avocado brush it with vegetable oil. The thin oil layer will prevent the avocado from oxidizing.

Put these recommendations to the test and make your avocados look perfect for longer. Remember that Avocados From Mexico are virtually the only fruit that contains monounsaturated fat, and they are sodium, cholesterol and trans-fat free. Replacing saturated or trans fats with unsaturated fats is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Avocados From Mexico are a healthy alternative for a snack between meals and a great ally in taking care of your heart’s health.