4 Porciones
Gramos, litros
Onzas, libras
Tazas, Cucharadas
Seleccionar todos los ingredientes
6 muslos de pollo, without skin
6 piernas de pollo, without skin
1/4 tazas de jugo de naranja, to marinate the chicken
1/4 tazas de mostaza, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de sal, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de pimienta negra, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajo en polvo, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de comino, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de cebolla en polvo, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajonjolí, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharadas de cacahuate, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de pepita de calabaza, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de achiote, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de pimienta negra, for the salvadoran relaxation
3 dientes de ajo, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de clavo de olor, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de tomillo, for the salvadoran relaxation
5 hojas de laurel, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de orégano, for the salvadoran relaxation
1/2 tazas de arroz
1 taza de agua, tibia
suficiente de agua, to cook the vegetables
4 jitomates, in halves, for the sauce
1/2 pimientos verdes, for the sauce
1/2 cebollas, for the sauce
3 chiles guajillos, without seeds and veins, for the sauce
1 taza de col, in strips
1/2 tazas de cebolla, in strips
1/2 tazas de cilantro, finely chopped
1 taza de zanahoria, grated
suficiente de sal
1/2 tazas de mayonesa, for the marinade
1/2 tazas de mostaza, for the marinade
1 pepino, sliced, to decorate
1 jitomate, sliced, to decorate
1 betabel, cooked and sliced, to decorate
5 ramas de berro, to decorate
1 rábano, sliced, to decorate
1 huevo, cooked, peeled, in half, to decorate
suficiente de mayonesa, for the bread
5 bolillos
6 muslos de pollo, without skin
6 piernas de pollo, without skin
2.11 onzas líquidas de jugo de naranja, to marinate the chicken
2.11 onzas líquidas de mostaza, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de sal, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de pimienta negra, to marinate the chicken
7/10 onzas de ajo en polvo, to marinate the chicken
0.22 onzas de comino, to marinate the chicken
1/4 onzas de cebolla en polvo, to marinate the chicken
2/3 onzas de ajonjolí, for the salvadoran relaxation
2/3 onzas de cacahuate, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.19 onzas de pepita de calabaza, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.29 onzas de achiote, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.08 onzas de pimienta negra, for the salvadoran relaxation
3 dientes de ajo, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.08 onzas de clavo de olor, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.03 onzas de tomillo, for the salvadoran relaxation
5 hojas de laurel, for the salvadoran relaxation
0.04 onzas de orégano, for the salvadoran relaxation
3 5/8 onzas de arroz
8.45 onzas líquidas de agua, tibia
suficiente de agua, to cook the vegetables
4 jitomates, in halves, for the sauce
1/2 pimientos verdes, for the sauce
1/2 cebollas, for the sauce
3 chiles guajillos, without seeds and veins, for the sauce
2 2/3 onzas de col, in strips
4.19 onzas de cebolla, in strips
0.31 onzas de cilantro, finely chopped
4 3/4 onzas de zanahoria, grated
suficiente de sal
4.22 onzas líquidas de mayonesa, for the marinade
4.22 onzas líquidas de mostaza, for the marinade
1 pepino, sliced, to decorate
1 jitomate, sliced, to decorate
1 betabel, cooked and sliced, to decorate
5 ramas de berro, to decorate
1 rábano, sliced, to decorate
1 huevo, cooked, peeled, in half, to decorate
suficiente de mayonesa, for the bread
5 bolillos
6 muslos de pollo, without skin
6 piernas de pollo, without skin
1/4 tazas de jugo de naranja, to marinate the chicken
1/4 tazas de mostaza, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de sal, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de pimienta negra, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajo en polvo, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de comino, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de cebolla en polvo, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajonjolí, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharadas de cacahuate, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de pepita de calabaza, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de achiote, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de pimienta negra, for the salvadoran relaxation
3 dientes de ajo, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de clavo de olor, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de tomillo, for the salvadoran relaxation
5 hojas de laurel, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de orégano, for the salvadoran relaxation
1/2 tazas de arroz
1 taza de agua, tibia
suficiente de agua, to cook the vegetables
4 jitomates, in halves, for the sauce
1/2 pimientos verdes, for the sauce
1/2 cebollas, for the sauce
3 chiles guajillos, without seeds and veins, for the sauce
1 taza de col, in strips
1/2 tazas de cebolla, in strips
1/2 tazas de cilantro, finely chopped
1 taza de zanahoria, grated
suficiente de sal
1/2 tazas de mayonesa, for the marinade
1/2 tazas de mostaza, for the marinade
1 pepino, sliced, to decorate
1 jitomate, sliced, to decorate
1 betabel, cooked and sliced, to decorate
5 ramas de berro, to decorate
1 rábano, sliced, to decorate
1 huevo, cooked, peeled, in half, to decorate
suficiente de mayonesa, for the bread
5 bolillos
6 muslos de pollo, without skin
6 piernas de pollo, without skin
1/4 tazas de jugo de naranja, to marinate the chicken
1/4 tazas de mostaza, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de sal, to marinate the chicken
suficiente de pimienta negra, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajo en polvo, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de comino, to marinate the chicken
1 cucharada de cebolla en polvo, to marinate the chicken
2 cucharadas de ajonjolí, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharadas de cacahuate, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de pepita de calabaza, for the salvadoran relaxation
2 cucharaditas de achiote, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de pimienta negra, for the salvadoran relaxation
3 dientes de ajo, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de clavo de olor, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de tomillo, for the salvadoran relaxation
5 hojas de laurel, for the salvadoran relaxation
1 cucharadita de orégano, for the salvadoran relaxation
1/2 tazas de arroz
1 taza de agua, tibia
suficiente de agua, to cook the vegetables
4 jitomates, in halves, for the sauce
1/2 pimientos verdes, for the sauce
1/2 cebollas, for the sauce
3 chiles guajillos, without seeds and veins, for the sauce
1 taza de col, in strips
1/2 tazas de cebolla, in strips
1/2 tazas de cilantro, finely chopped
1 taza de zanahoria, grated
suficiente de sal
1/2 tazas de mayonesa, for the marinade
1/2 tazas de mostaza, for the marinade
1 pepino, sliced, to decorate
1 jitomate, sliced, to decorate
1 betabel, cooked and sliced, to decorate
5 ramas de berro, to decorate
1 rábano, sliced, to decorate
1 huevo, cooked, peeled, in half, to decorate
suficiente de mayonesa, for the bread
5 bolillos